The Pinterest Feature Every Business Should Know (& Use)

October 23, 2012

Content note: While this blog post is outdated, it still offers valuable insights into past sales and marketing trends. For the latest strategies and up-to-date information, we encourage you to explore our newer posts on the ever-evolving landscape of sales and marketing.

Pinterest isn’t just for sharing great recipes and craft ideas. It can also be the perfect place to sell your products. If you are able to display your wares visually, then Pinterest is probably right for you!Create boards that not only showcase your business, but also reflect the interests of your target audience. For example, if you sell Fair Trade Goods, then perhaps you should create boards that highlight the culture of the countries from which you purchase your products.

screenshot of pinterest item with price

One of our favorite features that is exclusive to Pinterest is the price option. As you can see in our example, the price of the item is displayed diagonally in a banner across the top left corner of the product image.

To make this happen, simply type a dollar sign followed by the amount of the item. As you type, the banner auto-populates the product price. We also tried using the symbol for the British pound. It worked, too!

We hope you enjoyed this week’s Social Media tip! Now get out there and start pinning!